Every special occasion and holiday in their house is celebrated with one of our cakes (usually chocolate cake- specifically!)
The latest creation was for Sydney's Plane Day celebration and this years' theme: Pirates! The cake flavor: Jack Sparrow Chocolate Cake (thanks for the idea, Karen!)

Dear Meredith, THANKS once again for such another wonderful cake! EVERYONE especailly Sydney loved the cake you made!! The decor was fabulous, I could not believe you put the hem line on his head kerchief!!!!!!!!Talk about details!! Sydney's favorite part-------HIS EAR!!! Yes, she could not wait to rip his ear off the cake and eat it!!! Your old Kindergarten teacher was very proud of you as she was basking in chocolate heaven!! Thanks again. We cant wait for October for Syds birthday cake. Talk soon, Karen, Mike and Sydney
Here are a few other creations for Sydney, Mike and Karen fantastic soirees!

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